Saturday, 26 April 2008

Punctured Day

Well, today I was going to put my final two rows of spuds in but I have a dispute - not of my making with a neighbour across the road. He once (actually more than once) accused my son of stealing one of his son's Playstation Games. We heard from his son that the game had been found at their house but he has never acknowledged this and has continued to treat me and my family badly ever since. Anyway, the other day, yet another supermarket delivery van was blocking our road (we cannot get in and out when they do) and there was parking spaces by the side of the road so it could have pulled over. This happens time and time again and often makes me late. This time I was exit side of the van so I made a peaceful protest by parking my car in the middle of the road in front of it. I only visibly left it but monitored in constantly - the plan was to move it the minute the Asda man wanted to leave - I was only making a point. I was watching out the front room and when I saw him come out, I went to move my car. This neighbour got there before me and was slagging me off to the Asda man calling me a all the names under the sun. I did object to this (well you would) and the Asda man apologised. I moved my car, the Asda man left - end of matter. NOT!! My new front passenger tyre developed a puncture over night - this coincidentally happened when my son didn't steal the game too and when my partner tackled him about a similar allegation. The car was deliberately (according to the garage who changed it) punctured in two places in the wall so needed replacing as wall punctures cannot be mended. I am seething. I have better things to do and do not have the money to spare. This guy is a worthless human being who bullies and beats his kids and his wife. He has no friends, some members of his wife's family have told us that they all loather him but because I have no proof I am powerless.

Anyway, I did get one row of potatoes in this afternoon. I also carefully checked the wind direction and lit a fire - the wind then changed direction so I had to let it go out.

I do have PSB to harvest tomorrow and my spring cabbages are very nearly ready - I may cut one of those to go with my PSB.

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