Monday 28 April 2008

Last of the spuds

Whooo - got the last of my ten 9m rows of spuds in today. Decided to do it this afternoon during my PPA time. I looked at the weather on Saturday and it said showers all day Sunday and a nice afternoon today so I decided to make sure all my work was done yesterday to leave my PPA free. So, did all my planning and marking yesterday whilst the sun beat down outside - it did not rain until about 6.30pm yesterday. This afternoon I put the potatoes in and got rained and hailed on. Can't win. Well at least it's done and I can now concentrate on getting other things done.

My little one's plot has small calabrese seedlings and her carrots have just started to germinate. I think mine are just starting to poke up under their fleece too. At the weekend, I need to prepare a bed for my peas (onward and greenshaft - I am comparing the two as our plots are not suited to peas so I need a reliable one). I also need to prepare umpteen brassica beds and space for my calabrese. After that, it will be get space ready for my tomatoes and chillis.

1 comment:

antipodesgirl said...

hello redclanger! as I got tagged by Marigold at marigoldmemoirs, you are in turned being tagged on Pushing up the daisies!
The rules:
* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Post the rules on your blog.
* Write six random things about yourself. And answer the questions below.
* Tag six people at the end of your post linking to their blog.
* Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
* Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

If you would like to follow up on this tag, just let me know when you have finished. It is a great way to spread the links of our blogs that we work so hard on. (but of course you won't get hit by lightning if you don't...)