Saturday 31 May 2008

Playing catch up!

Right, ain't been here for ages and for those who are bothered, I apologise. OfSTED sort of screwed up all my plans. The weekend before SATs week is usually a free one - very little planning to do for assessments. However, the OfSTED call came on the Friday afternoon - inspector the following Wednesday and Thursday so no free time that weekend at all. Very little plotting done the following weekend either as that is recuperation weekend!

Also, don't think it rained more than once between the very wet and cold spring holiday fortnight and half term. And then half term started cold and wet. I was really starting to think that one of the Gods was really out to get me. I have managed to catch up a little bit though. My tomatoes went out this week - but I still have to find time to plant ones that my Dad and Mother in Law have given me. I have planted out French beans. I have built my runner bean rig and planted out runner beans. I have planted out most of my squash - the only ones that remain are the resown ones and the butternuts that are still pathetic little plants. I have also put out celery (a first) and celeriac. I have still got to get out loads of brassicas and sweetcorn (due to go out next weekend under the three week rule - pity I am on scout camp next weekend! Once the remaining stuff is out, I will be done and I can then maybe turn the back garden into something that does not resemble a junk yard and dog toilet!

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