Tuesday, 24 March 2009

According to Dom

Tis the day to sow Cauliflower and Calabrese. So I have done - the Cauli is Snowball from Lidl and the Calabrese is just labelled Autumn by Wilko.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Marchin on...

Yesterday I put in 10 Charlottes and about 21 Kestrel spuds and dug over my onion bed. I took a photo of my garlic and overwintering onions, 2 rows of potatoes and a head of romanescu. Trouble is, my eldest has lost my camera lead so the photos will have to wait.

Today, I picked said a romanescu cauliflower - it was lovely. I also pickled a bit more curly kale, leeks, parsnips and rhubarb.

I have sowed leeks.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Sowing today

Have just sown seven varieties of tomato (Gardeners Delight, Costaluto, San Marzano, Red Pear, Golden Sunrise, Tigerella and Tlacolula) and some broad beans (Witkiem Manita) - also two (boring) types of Sweet Pepper I got cheap from Wilkos at the back end of last year.

Saturday, 14 March 2009


Have done nothing but digging for the past month - except for pricking out chillis a couple of weeks ago - not that anybody would have noticed anyway. (Is there an award for the blog most ignored by everyone in webland?) I blame Dom's moon calender thingy which seems to have very little going on in it at the moment!!

Today though, as well as digging, I put in a mixed row of first earlies - 10 Swift and 10 Pentlan Javelin from Focus and 15 Homeguard from the lotty association. So the season has well and truly started - let's hope it's a good en.